Use TellFinder to search vast areas of the deep web or other media troves for connections to known subjects. Discover network personas in a fraction of the time.
UK Lead MDSHT Intelligence Analyst says:
“TellFinder has been pivotal in identifying the movement of trafficked victims across the UK for the purpose of sexual exploitation. No other systems provide investigators with this information at the click of a button”
Quickly search through archived web data by searching names, addresses, other attributes, and even images using a Google-like interface
Aggregate Data – Web results with common attributes are grouped into “personas” to help identify key people and organizations. Discover connections between known subjects
Review recreated web pages securely and quickly investigate relatiohnships between extracted attributes such as phone numbers, emails, addresses, or even similar images.

TellFinder, a tool designed to explore domain-specific web crawls using graph analysis and multi-modal visualization. The initial application of the tool has been honed to help combat human trafficking through entity resolution and characterization based on data from sex ads crawled from a variety of publicly available sites, allowing the investigator to securely browse through millions of Ads and Forums using the power of TellFinder to find Links, common emails, duplicated pictures…
TellFinder Alliance – A counter human trafficking partner network, empowered by data.
The TellFinder Alliance is a network of law enforcement, technology, research, and nonprofit partners who adapt and advance emerging capabilities in AI, data science, visual analytics and deep web data for counter human trafficking applications. TellFinder serves over 200 law enforcement agencies around the world.
TellFinder technologies include a suite of tools for human trafficking investigators that uses emerging technologies to search deep-web content and discover hidden connections in data.
With an estimated 120k-150k new adult services ads, reviews, and discussion threads posted every day, online data is a critical tool for locating potential victims of human trafficking and for identifying those who exploit them.
TellFinder has also recently assisted in:
The arrest of seven offenders, seizure / freezing of c£4 million in assets & items of value, identification of the remainder of the groups network and, most importantly, the recovery of a victim.
info@JTOL.co.uk | Birmingham, UK
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