Compuverde is the most user-friendly, software-defined storage solution out there and it delivers in all fields according to its users.

Compuverde supports today’s as well as tomorrow’s storage needs by providing a software-defined and horizontally aligned storage platform.
A platform that is both completely hardware agnostic and fully flash compliant – meaning you don’t need to look any further – the Compuverde web-scale architecture enables the kind of flexibility that is critical to the future of the storage business and the rise of the Internet of Things. Global by demand, Swedish by design, Compuverde is the perfect storage example of the clean, well structured and innovative Swedish Heritage.
With a solution that delivers cutting-edge technology combined with industry-leading performance and redundancy – all with best-in-class total cost of ownership.
Extreme Performance
By using a solution from Compuverde, you take full advantage of systems with built-in cache, improving the performance levels of your setup significantly. Flash and RAM cache is supported.
Self-healing Cluster
All data is stored in multiple copies and possibly geographically separated locations within the cluster. When a disk or a node breaks down, the cluster self-heals and rebalances.
Because the storage cluster is built on a symmetric architecture, linear scaling up to Exabytes of storage and trillions of files is achieved. Compuverde scales linearly with both capacity and performance.
30 minutes’ setup – it just works
Just because something is at the forefront technology-wise and is made out of the most innovative system architecture does not mean the use of the same solution should be anything short of a walk in the park.
info@JTOL.co.uk | Birmingham, UK
Telephone +44 3301 075930
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